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Module 3: Lesson 4: See My Cases

After pressing the 'View' button by the case that needs updating, the record will be retrieved for updating/reviewing/deleting. That screen will look something like the following...

Data Transmittal Screen

A. Each data element contained in the case is listed in this 'Element' column.

B. Values and their corresponding meaning are displayed in the 'Help' column.

C. The actual data contained in this case is shown in each corresponding field in the 'Data Entry' column.

D. Any error or warning flags are shown in the Error Flags column. Errors & Warnings are circled in RED in this example.

E. After making corrections to this individual case record, the user can check the 'Run with Validation' box to test that individual case record against the transmittal and standard validation programs. This checkbox is circled in BLUE in this example.

F. Options at the bottom of the screen include:
  • Save--which will save the changes to that case record (and run validation programs if selected)
  • Clear--which clears all the fields in the case record (not used very often)
  • Delete--if you want to delete the entire case record from the submitted CABG Data file
  • Cancel--which is used to both cancel any changes prior to a save, clear, delete, or when updates to the record are complete (granted, that may be a bit confusing!)

After an official submission of CABG Data to CCORP, this screen will display the following message in red text at both the top and the bottom of this screen :

The current reporting period is locked and no further updates are allowed

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