Module 3: Lesson 1: Review
In this Lesson, we addressed the following:
- Each submission of CABG Data requires that the CORC User first create a Reporting Profile.
- From the My Data Home page, the CORC User will see information about their current data status, as well as information about their most recent data submission.
- Submit My Data is where CABG Data is submitted to CCORP via the CORC application.
- Sources for CORC Data submission can be either an Electronic Data File, from manually Entered Data Records, or from Online Corrections.
- Upon submission, the CORC application verifies the number of records submitted as one way to ensure accuracy in data transmission.
- A CORC User must agree to the Certification statement printed on the Data Transmittal page and note agreement by clicking a checkbox, otherwise, their data cannot be submitted to CCORP.
- Upon submitting CABG Data to CCORP, in either 'Test' or 'Official' Data Mode, a Transmittal Confirmation screen is displayed.
- The Confirmation Number may be used to prove that CABG Data was successfully submitted to the CORC application.
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