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Module 3: Lesson 1: Review


In this Lesson, we addressed the following:
  1. Each submission of CABG Data requires that the CORC User first create a Reporting Profile.
  2. From the My Data Home page, the CORC User will see information about their current data status, as well as information about their most recent data submission.
  3. Submit My Data is where CABG Data is submitted to CCORP via the CORC application.
  4. Sources for CORC Data submission can be either an Electronic Data File, from manually Entered Data Records, or from Online Corrections.
  5. Upon submission, the CORC application verifies the number of records submitted as one way to ensure accuracy in data transmission.
  6. A CORC User must agree to the Certification statement printed on the Data Transmittal page and note agreement by clicking a checkbox, otherwise, their data cannot be submitted to CCORP.
  7. Upon submitting CABG Data to CCORP, in either 'Test' or 'Official' Data Mode, a Transmittal Confirmation screen is displayed.
  8. The Confirmation Number may be used to prove that CABG Data was successfully submitted to the CORC application.
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