Module 6: Lesson 1: Review
In this Lesson, we addressed the following:
- Only a UAA (and HCAI) can create Hospital User accounts.
- A UAA cannot create a CORC User account for another UAA. Only HCAI can create these accounts.
- As a UAA, you will be contacted by Hospital Users if they have problems with their CORC User
accounts, if they need to change their user information, unlock their CORC User account or
have their password 'reset'.
- On the "Add New User" page, fields marked with a red asterisk ('*') are required fields.
- The "Roles" assigned to a CORC User account determine which CORC functions that user will be able
to access in the CORC application.
- User Names and Passwords are case sensitive (i.e., "D" and "d" are not the same).
- User Names must contain six (6) to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters and cannot contain
spaces or special characters (such as * / & $ %, etc.). Example: ZanuWilde666.
- Passwords must contain eight (8) to sixteen (16) characters, must be alphanumeric (i.e., at
least one alpha and one numeric character), and cannot contain spaces or special characters.
Example: flutterby69.
- A CORC User's Password cannot be the same as his/her User Name.
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