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Module 6: Lesson 1: Hospital Users

From the 'Hospital Users' page, the UAA selected 'View' to the right of a desired Username. This caused a 'Modify User' page to be shown. From this screen, the UAA selected 'Change Password' at the bottom of the screen, which caused another screen to appear. That screen looked something like the one below:

Update Hospital User Password

A. The User ID field allows the UAA to enter a unique Hospital Username for the Hospital User in this area on the screen. If a Username already exists in CORC (not just for this hospital), the UAA will receive an error message from CORC, informing them that the User ID already exists.

B. The UAA will now see two new fields added to this screen: 1) Password, and 2) Confirm Password. The CORC User's password can now be reset by the UAA upon the UAA pressing 'Save' at the bottom of the screen.

User Names and Passwords are case sensitive (i.e., "D" and "d" are not the same).

A CORC User's Password cannot be the same as his/her User Name.

User Names must contain six (6) to fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters and cannot contain spaces or special characters (such as * / & $ %, etc.).

Passwords must contain eight (8) to sixteen (16) characters and must contain at least one letter and one numeric character.

C. The Account Status and the Locked Status are shown in this area.

D. The User 'role' is selected in this area. UAA's can ONLY be created by HCAI.

E. The Save, Delete, and Cancel functions are controlled by these buttons.

Click >>NEXT<< to see how to add a NEW CORC User...