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Module 2: User Basics

This module contains basic information for all CORC users: Hospital Users and User Account Administrators (UAA's).

This module builds on the information in Module 1: Getting Started. Please complete that module before starting this one.

This module contains the two lessons listed to the left. Lesson 1: CORC BASICS provides general information about CORC. Lesson 2: ACCESSING CORC uses a simple, real-world scenario to guide you through various tasks. The tasks include sample screens from CORC to give you an idea of what it's like to use the actual CORC application.

For best results, please complete the lessons in order, starting with "CORC BASICS."

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you should:
  1. Understand the basics of CORC
  2. Be able to access CORC

In Other Modules

Some of the topics that appear in other modules are:
  1. How to use this training [Module 1]
  2. Instructions for Hospital Users [Module 3]
  3. Description of CORC Stages [Module 4]
  4. Importance of CORC Security [Module 5]
  5. Instructions for User Account Administrators [Module 6]