Module 4: Lesson 1-The CORC Stages: Topic 4-Stages 4 and 5
We'll now conclude our discussion of the CORC Stages by describing Stages 4 and 5. Stages 1 through 3
can be reviewed via the CBT Navigation (listed to the left).
Stage 4 and Stage 5 are for CCORP use
ONLY. During these Stages, Hospital Users
are locked out and cannot make any updates to their data. A sample of what this looks like from the
'My Data' TAB in CORC is shown below:

CCORP uses Stage 4 to track the status of
Surgeon Certificates. For each hospital
finalizing CABG
data in CORC, a Surgeon Certificate is generated for each surgeon reported in that data. As the completed and
signed surgeon certificate are received by CCORP, the corresponding surgeon certificate is checked-off in CORC
by CCORP staff. In this manner, CCORP has real-time information on surgeon certificates available in CORC at all
CCORP uses Stage 5 when adjusting a hospital's data following an audit. Only certain CCORP staff are allowed to
make these audit-based adjustments for the hospital involved in the audit. A sample of how this looks to a
Hospital User is shown in the image below, showing
Audit Adjustments submitted by

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