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Module 3: Lesson 1: Submit My Data

From the previous screen, the 'Submit My Data' link on the left was selected and the following screen is displayed...

Submit My Data

The following describes this screen:

    A. Data Mode: HCAI recommends that you select the 'TEST' mode until your CABG Data passes all validation edits. At that point, you may officially submit your CABG Data to HCAI by selecting the 'OFFICIAL' Data Mode option here.

    B. Data Source: If you are submitting a data file that your hospital (or 3rd party vendor) has created for you, then you will select 'Electronic Data File'. If you are entering your data directly into CORC or have already submitted your CABG Data and are making data corrections online in the CORC application, then select 'Online Entered Records and/or Corrections'.

    File Transmittal: This includes:

      C. Number of Records: Enter the number of records that are in the CABG Data that you are submitting. This is necessary for verification that all of the records you are intending to submit are actually received in your submission.

      D. File Location: Use the 'Browse' button to locate the file that contains the CABG Data that you are submitting to HCAI. Once found and selected, the name of that file will be displayed here.

      E. Certification Agreement: Carefully read the 'Certification' statement printed here and then, if you agree, check the box next to agree. NOTE: If you do NOT agree (or fail to check this box), you will not be able to submit your CABG Data to HCAI.

    F. Upload: Press the 'Upload' button when you are ready to submit your CABG Data to HCAI.

Let's walk through what Zanu needs to do in order to submit CABG Data for Galactic Health via the CORC application. This is a test file that is located on her D: drive.

Click >>NEXT<< to learn how Zanu uses CORC to submit the CABG Data...