Module 3: Lesson 1: Submit My Data
After Zanu carefully read the Certification statement and noted her agreement by selecting the 'I Agree' checkbox, she
pressed the 'Upload' button and submitted the CABG Data for Galactic Health to CCORP.
Immediately after pressing 'Upload', a screen similar to the one below was presented to Zanu...
It's important to note the following on this screen:
A. Transmittal Confirmation: Information presented here includes:
- Hospital Name
- User ID
- Data Type
- Report Period
- Number of Records
- Data mode
- Data Source
- Date of Transmittal
- Confirmation Number
The Confirmation Number is a unique number that is generated for each
submission of CABG Data to CCORP. This number can be used to verify the submission of CABG Data.
B. Done & Print: CCORP encourages hospitals to print a copy of this confirmation
and keep for their records on all 'Official' submissions, but it can also be done on 'Test' submissions.
After printing (or if printing not desired), press 'DONE' to review the progress of your submitted CABG
Data through the CORC Validation Programs. The screen that is shown is the same screen as selecting
'Get My Results' which is our next CBT Lesson.
Click >>NEXT<< to review what we have covered in this Lesson...