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Module 6: Lesson 1: Hospital Users

From the 'Hospital Users' page, the UAA will select 'View' to the right of the desired Username. This will cause a page similar to the one shown below to appear:

Modify Hospital User

A. The CORC Username is shown in this area (actual name is blurred on this screen). This screen also shows:
  1. If the CORC User account is 'Active' or 'Inactive'
  2. If the CORC User account is 'Locked' (checked if locked)
  3. The 'Roles' for this CORC User (shown as Member Of)

B. Roles: In the Left Pane are the Roles NOT selected for this CORC User, and in the Right Pane Roles that ARE selected for this CORC User are displayed. Clicking on an item in either pane will select it (noted by it being highlighted). Pressing '>> Select' will move a highlighted item from the Left Pane to the Right Pane, while Pressing '<< Deselect' will move a highlighted item from the Right Pane to the Left Pane. This moving from one pane to the other will add or remove this role to/from this CORC User.

The "Roles" assigned to a CORC User account determine which CORC functions that user will be able to access in the CORC application.

C. Once changes are made in the upper area of the screen, the desired function button is pressed here. Options include:
  1. Save (changes made on the screen to this CORC account will be saved)
  2. Delete (this CORC User account will be deleted)
  3. Change Password (the UAA will be prompted to enter a new password for this CORC User)
  4. Cancel (no changes will be made on this screen and the screen will return to the Hospital Users screen)
NOTE: If a CORC User cannot be deleted (because they have done work within CORC), then the DELETE button will be grayed out.

D. Again, to reset a CORC User's password, the 'Change Password' button here is pressed.

Click >>NEXT<< to see the Change Password screen...