Module 2: Lesson 2: Topic 3: Exploring the CORC Interface
Once logged into CORC, the CORC User should be certain that they have created the correct Reporting
Profile. A sample Reporting Profile is shown below...

The information included in a Reporting Profile includes:
- The Hospital that is submitting their data to HCAI
- The Type of data that is being submitted (CABG is the only option at this time)
- The Reporting Period in which the data is being submitted
Selecting this information from a series of drop-down lists is shown in the series of screens below.
most users, only
ONE hospital will be displayed in the Hospital drop-down list. For users that
enter data for more than one hospital, all hospitals that your UAA has assigned to you will be displayed.

After selecting from all of the drop-down lists, remember to press 'Select' as shown below...

Most of the time, you will be working in the most current Report Period, which is what will be displayed by default.
All Reports Periods in CORC are listed in reverse order. That is, the most current Report Period is on top, and the
oldest Report Period available in CORC is on the bottom.
To see the next screen in CORC after creating a Reporting Profile, click >>NEXT<< below...