Module 1: Getting Started: Navigation
"Navigation" refers to the ways that you can move around in this training, or how you get from one page to another.
This training assumes that you are familiar with using the Internet and navigating Web pages. That is, you know that
clicking underlined text or certain graphics on a page will move you to another page. We will discuss only
the specific navigation features that this training provides.
This training is designed to be completed in a certain sequence so each page includes one specific instruction that
tells you exactly what you should do next. These instructions are formatted slightly differently so that they are
easy to spot, for example " continue, click >NEXT<".
Every page includes
Navigation Links, and
TABs that let you move freely between the training pages. The types of navigation provided
depend on the type of page you are viewing: module, lesson, or task.
We will start by explaining module pages.