Module 3: Lesson 1: Submit My Data
Once the Report Profile is created and the 'My Data' TAB is selected, the
Data Transmittal Home page is displayed.
This screen looks something like this...
A. The navigation for Data Transmittal is shown in this area. It includes:
- Submit My Data
- Get My Results
- View My Errors
- Enter Cases in CORC
- See My Cases
- Get Hospital Reports
- View/Upload Files
These links are outlined below:
Submit My Data.
This is the link the CORC hospital users use when submitting CABG data to CCORP. This
means the data that is being sent from the hospital has been: 1) Created by another hospital
system and has been output as a file to be uploaded into CORC or 2) Entered
directly into CORC.
This link will present the hospital user with a separate web page that allows the user to specify
information about that file. This is covered in detail in this Lesson.
Get My Results.
This link is used by the hospital user to see the results from the last
Submit My Data
operation. This function is automatically invoked at the end of the Submit My Data operation,
but can also be accessed separately by this link. This link will present the hospital user
with a separate web page that displays the summary results of the CORC Validation Programs.
This is covered in detail in this Lesson.
View My Errors.
This link is used by the hospital user to see the specific errors generated by the various
CORC Validation Programs. That is, if the results of a Submit My Data generated a number of
Standard Errors, then the hospital user would use this link to see the specific records that
contain the Standard Errors generated by CORC. The beauty of this feature is that the error
listings provides links to the specific records in the data file that are in error (this
only works for Licensing, Standard and Relational Errors). This is covered in detail in this
Enter Cases in CORC.
This link is used by the hospital user to enter individual CABG records directly into the CORC
System. One record is entered at a time, one data element at a time. The data entry screen also
shows the acceptable values (or range of values) for each data element being entered. This feature
can be used to
ADD records to an existing data file or to
DELETE records from an
existing data file, one record at a time. Hospitals with a small number of records typically use
this feature to enter all of their records.
At the time of entry, the record is validated for Transmittal and Licensing data. After that, the
record can be saved with or without performing Standard and Relational Edits. Comparative Edits are
ONLY performed on the entire batch and
cannot be validated one record at a time. Some
hospitals use this feature to add their records on a daily basis throughout the open Report Period,
opting to save the data without performing the detailed edits and once all data records are entered,
use the Submit My Data to perform validation edits on all records in the data file. This is covered
in detail in this Lesson.
See My Cases.
This link is used by the hospital user to view all of the records in the data file in CORC. This
can be used to view records that have been entered online (via Enter My Cases in CORC) or that have
been uploaded into CORC (via Submit My Data). This feature provides the ability to view, edit or
even delete individual records within the data file in CORC. This is covered in detail in this Lesson.
Get Hospital Reports.
This link is used by the hospital user to view their Data Quality Reports (DQR), Statewide DQR or
Surgeon Certificates once they have been generated. Once a hospital uses the Submit My Data function
to submit their data as
Official to CCORP, they can view their DQR. After ALL hospitals
have officially submitted their CABG data to CCORP and CCORP opens Stage 2 in CORC, hospitals can
use this feature to view the Statewide DQR. In Stage 3 of CORC, once the hospital has opted to submit
their CABG data and
Make it Final! that hospital uses this
Get Hospital Reports feature
to view and print their
Surgeon Certifications. This is covered in detail in this Lesson.
View Posted Files.
This link is used by the hospital user to view files that have been uploaded by CCORP for hospitals
to view in a secure manner. Files can be uploaded for ALL hospitals to view (the same file), or
individual files may be uploaded that only the intended hospital has the ability to view in a secure
manner. In the future, CCORP hopes to expand this feature to allow hospitals that are required to
provide CCORP with supporting documentation can use this feature to post their supporting
documentation in a secure location where CCORP can view but no other hospitals have access. This
would be faster and more secure than faxes, and both faster and less expensive than using overnight
express mail. This is covered in detail in this Lesson.
B. 'Current Data Status' is shown in the first block on the screen. This includes:
- Report Period (...the date range for the CABG Data being collected)
- Due Date (...when you have to submit your CABG Data to HCAI as 'Official')
- Stage ( CORC open to take your CABG Data submission)
- Status (...what was the last thing you did in CORC with your CABG Data)
- Data Updatable (...can you update your CABG Data in CORC)
C. 'Data Transmittal Information" is shown in the second block on the screen. This includes:
- Data Mode (...when the CABG Data was submitted)
- Total Records (...that were included in that last CABG Data submission)
- Transmittal Date (...when the CABG Data was submitted)
- User ID (...who submitted this last CABG Data)
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