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Module 3: Lesson 3: View My Errors

In this Lesson, we'll discuss how you can view any errors that were generated by your submitted CABG Data as a result of the Validation process.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this Lesson, you should be able to:
  1. View the results of your data submission if errors or warning were generated
  2. Understand which record(s) in the submitted file is/are in error
  3. Print a hardcopy of the on-screen error listing


Zanu at Galactic Health, a large hospital in Central California, submitted her CABG Data to CCORP. The data file passed the following validation edits: Transmittal (all three levels), Licensing, Comparative, and Relational (even with Warnings). Unfortunately, it received ONE error during the Standard Validation program, so it FAILED Standard Edits.

...please click >>NEXT<< below to see how Zanu found her errors and begin Lesson 3 of this Module...